BHC Celebrates Hanukkah 2024/25

Article and photos by Martin Kessel 

This year BHC celebrated Hanukkah by gathering for eight nights to light the bulbs on the Sue Friedman Memorial Menorah at the Bethlehem Town Hall.

On the first night, which this year coincided with Christmas Day, we welcomed almost 40 people who braved 14F temperatures to join to our candle lighting celebration.

Honored with lighting the first candle were co-president Melissa Potter and Daniel and Deborah Palestrant and their family from North Conway. After the candle lighting, which featured blessings and Hanukkah songs led by co-President Dave Goldstone, we all gathered in the Town Hall vestibule to warm up and enjoy jelly donuts provided by Gail Robinson, home made rugelach by Marcia Okun and hot cider and hot chocolate by Melissa Potter. The Palestrant Family brought Hanukkah gifts of natural products from Rom Farms on Mt. Kammon in the Galilee, Israel.

Thanks to Josh Lieberman and Marcia Okun, the candle lighting for all eight nights was also broadcast on Zoom for those, including our Rabbi Donna Kirshbaum, Judy Felsen and Jack Karp, who could not be present in person. Anna McClennen produced our updated book of traditional and silly songs.

Second night lighting was by Anna McClennen and Boris Melomedov who were joined by the Bethlehem Town Post Mistress, Sheri Benson.

The third night lighting was on Erev Shabbat and in keeping with her challah baking tradition, Melissa baked mini challah rolls which were distributed to everyone. .

Lighting candles on the other nights were Les Apple and Debra  Saunders; Gail Robinson and Martin Kessel; Josh Lieberman and Marcia Okun; Michel Adler, Lucy Goodhart and Gordon Bennett; Michael, Lenie and Xyrisse Silverman and Jonathan Shefftz.

Especial thanks to Rob and Elaine French for their home baked Hanukkah (ugly sweater) cookies and to April and Paul Nandico for their Hanukkah cinnamon buns.

A big thanks to out outgoing Fire Chief Jack Anderson for his help with mounting the Menorah in place. And to Caledonian Record reporter Robert Blechl for covering our first night.

This year we began the Menorah lighting in 2024 and lit the last candle in 2025!!! See you all at our next Menorah lighting on Dec. 14th, 2025.

See Martin’s full photo essay of:

  • The first night here

  • The second night here   

  • The third night here

  • The fourth night here

  • The fifth night here

  • The sixth night here (brrrrr)

  • The seventh night here

  • The eighth night here




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