Mushroom Hunting with Roz
Mushroom Hunt with Professor Roz Lowen - Worth the wait
The Friday excursion was thunderstormed out, but the Sunday, August 20 make-up was worth the wait. It was a perfect mushrooming morning.
Roz loves sharing her fascination with mushrooms!
Professor Lowen, Roz to us, introduced the walk with a mushroom tailgate party show-and-tell featuring previously-collected samples of 'shrooms that might be popping up. The group hunt turned up beautifully colored little mushrooms, a few choice chanterelles, and some new specimens - for Roz - that she took home to later identify.
The hunt took place at the Franconia Notch Ski Trail.
Some mushroom samples below, including two that Roz wanted to be sure everyone saw…
Harry chomapes, chrome footed bolete edible
Chanterelles, choice!
Ghost pipes, herbaceous perennial plant native to temperate regions of Asia, North America, and northern South America,
Photos by Gail Robinson, Martin Kessel and Jacki Katzman
Yellow latex milky (latex started white but soon turned yellow) .jpg