Beloved, You asked of me to build a mishkan,
dwelling place, holy space,
in which we would abide.
This home intent to offer refuge
comparable to heaven,
needs maker to commence construction,
all regardless of the ignorance in workman’s skill;
laborer receives divine direction, to
following Your pattern carved to
forge this tribute to Your love.
Uncertainty pervades two human hands awaiting clarity
for Your next procedure, with supervision from Above…
Beloved, You have overseen and drawn Your blueprint for this work…
Your desires, heaven’s beauty, replicated
in Your colored lights on earthly plane
precisely per request; Your design is forged.
These hands incised with Your intention
for Your mishkan
can do nothing but create
a holy home where earth meets heaven,
timeless space where cherub’s wings caress
and eyes of Love cast toward each other
light paths as bridges in illumination clearly
spanning time and space
on way to join in You…
…now seeing only You in all …r
J. Felsen, Ph.D. 2/24/25